Dhaka.24 April 2009
Manzurul Ahsan Khan, President Communist Party of Bangladesh said, the ruling class which was responsible for the prison massacar 59 years back still continues in power and perpetrate murder, terror and brutal repression, trampling democracy and fundamental human rights. Unless the ruling plundering bourgeois backed by imperialist is replaced by a broad alliance of Workers, peasants, radical middle strata, truly democratic and patriotic forces a stable democracy; secularism and independence of the country cannot be assured. He called upon communist and left-democratic forces to unite and build up an alternative capable of liberating the country from imperialism intrigue and hegemony, communal and fundamentalist terror, plunder and exploitation.
The CPB President was speaking at a memorial meeting organized by the party at the Central office in the afternoon today 24th April 2009 to pay homage to 7 martyr comrades who were brutally killed by police in Rajshahi Prison Ward popularly called ‘Khapra Ward’ on this day of 1950 at the orders of the Pakistan Government at that time Comrade Kamparm Singh, Delwar, Sudhir Dhar, Hanif, Bijon Sen, Sukhendra and Anwar Hossain were killed by random police firing in the locked up ward and many were injured. The comrades who died were outstanding leaders of Workers, peasants, students and popular movements fighting for peoples cause, democracy and against communalism and human rights violation.
Manzur said the same ruling continues with different face and bluff the people in the name of democracy and development.
The Jail Killings of 1975 and murder massacar, repression and brutalities which are being carried out in various forms even now prove that the rulers and exploiters did not change. The heroic martyrs of 1950 will inspire our party to fight with courage and dedication for the emancipation of people and for a truly democratic society and development for common masses. Press release 24.04.09
- Rakhaler Kolam (7)
- Weekly Ekota (1)
Saturday, 25 April 2009
In Memory of the Martyrs of Prison Massacar, 1950
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
USA Creating chaos in the region to find an excuse for intervention
US imperialist trained and Armed the Taliban terrorists with the support of Pakistan against Afghan people and now they are carrying out military operations in Afganistan and Pakistan for eliminating the same talibans. Similarly U.S is using parties like Jamat e Islam and other religious communal, fundamentalist and terrorist forces as 5th column to create chaos and anarchy in Bangladesh so that US and its lackeys could intervene on the pretext that Bangladesh has become a failed state. It is not surprising that the US Ambassador in Bangladesh has officially filed a written protest to Bangladesh Government against temporary ban on a notorious Jamat leader from going abroad due to his alleged involvement in the recent mutiny in the countries border security forces BDR. USA also supported Jamat during the liberation struggle in 1971 when its leaders and activists participated in the genocide.
Addressing the meetings drawing huge crowds Manzur said that the bomb attacks, recent mutiny and BDR Mayhem in Bangladesh, terrorist attacks in Lahore in Pakistan, Mumbai in India and also in Srilanka and Nepal are all directed to destabilise, create anarchy and provoke distrust and conflict between countries of the region. USA is trying to fish in troubled waters and use one country against another with the ultimate aim of weakening them and establish its hegemony.
The emergence of China and India as formidable economic power, Iran’s independent role and Russia re-asserting itself as a super power opposing expansion of NATO and exploitation of resources of former Soviet Union, a strong urge for economic cooperation between countries of the region, stand in the way of US plot in the region. Manzur said it is very interesting that big political parties belonging to the ruling bourgeoisie class either accuse ISI of Pakistan or RAW of India for conspiracy against Bangladesh but never mention USA. But it is USA which opposed our struggle for independence. It is USA which occupies Iraq or Afghanistan, threatens Iran, DPR of Korea and continues to support Israeli aggression in Palestine and the Middle-East. US imperialism is neither pro- India or pro-Pakistan it is Pro-USA and also against the people of India and Pakistan. US imperialist cleverly drags the ruling clique of both these countries into its dirty conspiracies.
US imperialism is desperately trying to achieve maritime supremacy in the Bay of Bengal, Indian and Pacific Ocean. The strategic importance of the Bay of Bengal and huge resource potential is at the roots of the competition to gain control of the sea. Bangladesh has demarcated 28 blocks in the sea for exploration of gas and oil. But already India and Myanmar have chained ownership of many of those blocks. United States has already proposed its participation in guarding the sea borders. Bangladesh is already bound by several unequal treatises with USA which undermine the sovereignty of the country. Manzur called upon the government to place all pacts and agreements in the Parliament and seek public opinion for review of the same.
CPB President called upon all left democratic and patriotic forces in Bangladesh and other counties of the region to build up united resistance against US intrigue and develop all-round regional cooperation for peace and development.Press release.19.4.2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
CPB observes local government empowerment day
In Dhaka the party organized public meeting at Muktangan and later a procession marched through the streets of the city center. Comrade Manzurul Ahsan Khan who presided over the public meeting demanded repeal of proposed law which he said has greatly curtailed the rights of the chairman of Upozilla Parishods and made it mandatory to take the consent of the local M.P in all matters. He said in his speech that if we want to take democracy to the door steps of the people democratic decentralization and empowerment of the local government is essential. He alleged that the government has departed from the spirit of the constitution by curtailing the power of upozilla chairman. Manzur said MP’ocracy has been imposed instead of democracy. He said the political elites of the ruling class and beurocracy always obstruct efforts towards democratization and decentralization. The meeting expressed solidarity to the demands put forward by united platform of elected leaders of Upozilla Parishad.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
CPB organise public meetings in different districts
Manzurul Ahsan khan President of Communist Party of Bangladesh has called upon the people to organise mass resistance against conspiracy launched by domestic and international reaction in the country. Addressing large public meetings in Perojpur and Bogra on 5th and 8th April Manzur said that the defense system, democracy, independence and security of Bangladesh is now under serious threat. The demand of the time is to unite broad masses to organise resistance against the conspiracy of the evil force. But the ruling Party Awami League and its affiliates are busy in factional strife and clashes. Group fightings within the Students Leagues at different places have already taken a toll of several students killed,hundreds injured and resulting in the closure of 35 educational institutions, including university, medical and technical college. Education of thousands of students has been disrupted. Many ruling party cadres are now engaged in illegal extortions,forcible control of business and contracts. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina herself mentioned that her administration has come to a stand still. On top of it a renowned columnist has said that though Shikh Hasina is the prime Minister the government is actually run by a particular circle.
Speaking about the recent Mutiny at Peelkhana the BDR Head Quarters (Bangladesh Border Security Forces) and the brutal killing of more than 50 senior Army officers and members of the security forces Manzur said that it is now clear that the mutiny was not a spontaneous revolt but a part of a deep set conspiracy against the security of the country.
We know very well who were against our independence in 1971, USA is very active to establish its hegemony in our region.They want to contain China and countries in the region having huge economic potentialities given a situation of peace and cooperation. Imperialists and their lackeys are using various forces within and outside the countries to create chaos, anarchy and instability. US imperialism is also instigating distrust, disputes and conflicts and clashes in the region. They are also using “fifth columns” , dark forces of reaction, all kinds of fundamentalists and terrorist in the region to undermine the security of these countries and create a “failed state” situation. US imperialism has used the Talibans and their activities in Afghanistan to find an excuse to virtually occupy Afganistan. They are also using Jamat-e-Islam and other fundamentalist and religious communal forces to create such a situation in Bangladesh.
The present US ambassador has recently gone out of his way in filling a written protest to the government against barring a Jamat leader alleged to be involved in recent massacre, from going abroad.He said that the government should immediately declare him as persona non grata for his reapeted interference in the internal matters of Bangladesh.
Manzur said the present government, knowing everything has invited FBI to enquire into the BDR mayhem. FBI serves the interest of US imperialism. FBI has deceived the world by giving false information about weapons of mass destructions in Iraq only to facilitate US war against the oil rich country.
Manzur called upon Sheikh Hasina to take lesson from history and take drastic measures against the scoundrels within his party and mobilise broad masses against the dangerous conspiracies.
He said the enquiry into the Peelkhana incident should be impartial, fair and transparent and the killers should be tried and punished in an open, and public trial.
He called upon the government to give attention to the problems being faced by the people. Problems of price rise, economic crisis due to global melt down, scarcity of water and electricity, unemployment, grabbing of land belonging to minority religious communities, adibasi’s or national minority, environmental disaster and climate change.
Manzur said A.L is ruling the country since 3 months. But within this short time the high expectation of the people seems to have been been betrayed.
CPB believes only left democratic and patriotic alternative ready to consistently fight against imperialism, communalism and plundering and parasitic capitalism can bring about a meanigfull change.
Manzur said, the of failure of Awami League Government will push the country into a grave crisis. He called upon the people to unitedly resist all kinds of conspiracy against Bangladesh and its people. -Press release. Dated"10.04.2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
Official Speech of Comrade Manzurul Ahsan Khan, President Communist Party of Bangladesh at the 8th Congress of CPN(UML) held in Gutwal
(Due to shortage of time during the congress session an extempore speech was delivered).
Comrades in the Presidium, dear delegates to the 8th Congress of CPN-UML and fraternal delegates I bring you revolutionary greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh and all left and progressive forces.
We congratulate you on your great victory against monarchy and for the establishment of a secular democratic and Federal Republic.
Communist and left progressive forces in Bangladesh take pride in the great achievements made in Nepal where your party played a pivotal role. We know your party was the first to gain state power and start a meaningful democratic process. The fact that the victorious red flag with hammer sickle flies over the highest mountain, the Himalayas and the fact that the Communists lead the government here is a source of great inspiration to communists in Bangladesh and other countries of the region. It gives us confidence in the future of revolutions in our countries. Every revolution round the world has shown us that there are many ways and forms of revolution and many a ways towards socialism and we should be able to creatively use every situation every turns to advance towards progressive and democratic changes.
We know very well that the enemies of the people, the Imperialists and their allies and reactionary forces within the countries never sit idle but continually conspire against progressive changes, create distrust, disunity, hostilities, split amongst people, communities and progressive parties and make desperate efforts to come back to power.
In Bangladesh we achieved our independence after a heroic armed struggle and framed a democratic (1972) constitution within a short time with four fundamental principle namely Nationalism, Secularism, democracy and socialism. Reactionary forces from within and outside conspired, governments were overthrown, leaders were assassinated, military dictatorship was imposed on several occasions and many changes have been brought about in the constitution and two fundamental principles like secularism and socialism has been abandoned.
In Bangladesh in the recently held Parliamentary election the more right forces along with their religious communal and fundamentalist allies were defeated which is a positive development. But we know that US imperialist and their global and regional allies are conspiring to establish their political, economic and military hegemony in the region. The Indo-US nuclear deal and strategic partnership between US, Israel and India, as comrades from India mentioned in their speech not only pose a danger to India and its people but also to countries of the region. The diktats of the World Bank, IMF and the “donor countries” in the name of structural reform, deregulation and privatization and so called open market economy have created havoc in our economy causing de-industrialisation wide scale unemployment, peasants loosing land, comodification of education and health care, homelessness uncontrollable price rise, poverty, hunger and pauperisation.
In the face of unprecedented crisis in the citadels of capitalism since 1930’s the philosophy of Market economy and the present version of Capitalism are being challenged. The governments in these countries have now started to intervene in the economy and nationalizing losses while privatization of profit continues.
Despite changes for the better in recent elections in Bangladesh our party is of the view that to overcome the existing crisis a revolutionary democratic change of the society will be required. A left democratic alternative consistently fighting against Imperialism, plundering capitalism and communal fundamentalist forces as opposed to capitulation and vacillation of bipolar bourgeoisie politic, can bring about a meaningful change.
The US state terrorism has become the greatest danger to humanity. In our region they are desperately trying to establish their hegemony and contain china. For this US resort to open pressure, covert action, to de-stabilize, to make the countries fight each other, provoke trouble and use dark forces of reaction including communal religious fundamentalist to weaken the countries and entangle them in unequal treatise undermining their political and economic independence.
The regional and global onslaught capital has to be fought back with regional and global action of Labour. To fight back imperialist aggression Communists within every country and every region and throughout the world must unite and mobilize progressive, patriotic, democratic and peace loving forces.
Dear Comrades,
We wish success of your congress and further increase in your strength, unity and ability to intervene. We also hope that you will bring about unity of communist parties and left democratic forces so essential for advancing the cause of the people.
We are in complete solidarity with the ongoing revolutionary process in your country. We wish you further success in bringing about a real change in the life of the people of Nepal. With warm greetings and Solidarity.
Gutwal, Lumbini Zone, Nepal.
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Manzurul Ahsan Khan A Short Profile
Manzurul Ahsan Khan (Manzur) was born on 28th September 1945. His father Late Abdul Wares Khan was a senior government officer reputed for his honesty and efficiency. His mother Late Badrunnesa Khanum was a very caring house wife, looking after a big family of 10 sons and two daughters, including brother in laws, sister in laws, and other relatives.Manzur lived with his parents in Kolkata before partition of India later in Dhaka, Chittagong and Rangpur for a few years when his father was posted in those places. His permanent residence is in Dhaka where he lives now and spent most of his life. While still young during his school days he took an active and leading part in various social and cultural movements and organisations, such as local clubs,Mukul Fauj,Khela Ghor,Cubs, and Scouts etc.
Manzur became interested in Marxism Leninism during his college life when he came across some Marxist literature including the Communist Manifesto. He also got involved in the country wide student movement for Educational reforms in 1962,when the country was under martial law. At that time he was a student of Notre Dame College. He also led student movements in that college.
During this time he came in contact with the Communist Party of East Pakistan and joined the party which was banned and working underground during the whole Pakistan period 1947-1971.When in 1964 religious communal riots broke out he participated actively in the resistance movement along with democratic progressive and peace forces. While still a student he also started party and trade union activity amongst industrial workers. He worked amongst workers of press, match factory, hotel and restaurants, road transport workers and amongst workers of unorganized workers. He was elected President Ujala Match Factory Workers Union, General Secretary Hotel Inter continental Workers Union, Chairman All Pakistan Hotel Intercontinental Workers Federation and President of Dhaka District Road Transport Workers Union and some other unions. He was also one of the founders of Bangladesh Trade Union Kendra (Center) a national trade union federation and Udichi Shilpi Goshti, a renowned and progressive national cultural organization.
Manzur actively participated in the national movements for democracy, economic ,social political and trade union rights, against US backed autocratic,bourgeoise-feudal ruling class, their exploitation, repressions and discrimination perpetrated on the people of Bangladesh.
During the struggle for the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 he participated in the war with arms in hand as a Commander of Special Guerilla Force organized jointly by the Communist Party of Bangladesh, National Awami Party NAP and Bangladesh Students Union.
After the victory of the freedom struggle of Bangladesh, the ban on the Communist Party of Bangladesh CPB was withdrawn and the party started functioning openly. Manzur was elected member of the central committee and the secretariat, the highest leadership of the party, at the 2nd congress of the party in 1973.
Manzur was also elected joint secretary of Bangladesh Trade Union Kendra at its first Conference in 1972. He played a leading role in the trade union movement and fought in defense of workers rights and interests while fighting against plunder and corruption in state sector industries, for increasing production, productivity and efficient running of the industries. The examples of industries where he and other CPB comrades led the Trade unions, set the direction of constructive and revolutionary trade union movement in independent Bangladesh.
Comrade Manzurul Ahsan Khan fought relentlessly to materialize progressive measures taken by Awami League Government lead by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the founding leader of Bangladesh.At the same time he also organized mass movements against failures of the government, rampant corruption and atrocities, and in defense of the interest of the toiling people. After the brutal assassination of President Sheikh Mujib and ultimate military take over Manzur along with many other party comrades and democratic leaders and activists were forced underground. Many were arrested.
During the Military Dictatorship and authoritarian rule M.A Khan played a leading role in the struggle against right wing reactionary forces, against the assassination of leaders ,and reactionary take over, for democracy, freedom, human and trade union rights. He was also one of the founders of SKOP (A broad alliance of national trade union federations) founded during 1980’s when the country was under Martial Law. He lead and actually was the key figure in many nationwide trade union movements including the massive uprising of garment workers in 2006 and their struggle for a living minimum wage during the last part of 2010.He also organized Its national conference of Working Women and was the key person in framing a 10 point national charter for the working women. He played leading role in uniting democratic political parties against autocratic rule, including Gonotrantic Oiko jote, 10 Party Alliance, and 15 Party Alliance. Manzur led many trade union and political movements and was arrested several times or forced underground. He was also arrested along with other national leaders of the 15 Party Alliance and kept in military dungeon where he had to face military interrogation under duress.
When Soviet Union was dissolved and liquidationists in CPB leadership wanted to liquidate the party MAK fought in the fore in defense of Marxism-Leninism and the Communist Party. Virulent campaign was launched globally and nationally against socialism, and people were being told that it was the end of civilization.Manzur fought consistently against capitulation and conspiracy with in CPBto liquidate the party.Despite the anti Marxist role of most of the party leaders Manzur took an independent stand in defense of Marxism-Leninism and Socialism.Manzur was suspended from the party. He organized a joint statement by leading communists and left leaders and brought out a historic demonstration on the streets of Dhaka boldly declaring that the struggle for socialism will continue. This was significant for upholding the ideals, struggle and moral of all left and progressive forces in the country. He also united communists and left leaders of the country in ‘Socialist Forum’ for campaign in favour of socialism and against imperialism, and bourgeois vilification of communist and progressive movements.
He played a leading role in rebuilding the CPB after the debacle and was elected President of the party in its 7th Congress held from 7th to 9th March 1999. He was re-elected President in the 8th Congress held from 6-9 May 2003 and 9th Congress from 7-9th august 2008.
He was one of the founders of Left Democratic Front formed on the basis of unity of 7 leading communist and left parties
Manzur is one of the proponents of independent ,revolutionary and creative role of the Communist Party, Communist unity, idea of a left democratic alternative, left democratic alliance and broader unity of left Democratic and patriotic forces. He considers it very important for the communists to be able to build up and participate in broad mass movement on single or several common issues.
He played an important role in numerous mass movements against plundering capital, religious-communal and fundamentalist forces, imperialism, plunder by World Bank, IMF and multinationals. His role in peace and solidarity movements in support of peoples fighting against US imperialist aggressions and wars, for democratic and human rights, rights of religious and national minorities and on gender and environmental issues is well known. He is a relentless proponent of a fundamental shift in the development paradigm and for an eco-friendly development strategy.
MAK writes regularly in party weekly and daily news papers. Participates in TV talk shows, seminars and round table. His first book history of Russian revolution was published in 1967.The 4th print of the book has been released recently. He is also author of several booklets on various issues. MAK is married. His wife Tazim Sultana is a listed artist in the Radio and TV singing Tagor’s song. His daughter is an author, and son is in business.
MAK visited several countries of Asia, Africa, Europe, America and attended many international conferences, seminars and symposium. He was elected to various committees of international organizations. He was awarded Dimitrov Centenary Medal by the Bulgarian Parliament during the World Peace Parliament held in Sofia; Bulgaria.Manzur is also Vice President of Bangladesh Peace Council.
Manzur’s ancestral village is in Islampur, Jamalpur on the bank of the river Jamuna. He frequently visits his village home and loves to keep living link at grass root levels with peasants and workers. He also organizes social programmes to alleviate poverty, eliminate illiteracy and spread education. His humanitarian activities along with other party comrades and social workers during natural calamities and disaster are well known.