
Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Speech delivered by MAK, President CPB at the 11th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties.New Delhi 20-22 Nov. 2009

Comrade President

Members of the Presidium

Leaders of the Communist and Workers Parties..

I bring warm revolutionary greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh to you all who have gathered here representing the most powerful movement, fighting along with other progressive forces, for the emancipation of mankind, for a free society of free men and women.

This traditional international meeting of Communist in the backdrop of dissolution of the Socialist Soviet Union and set back in Eastern Europe, when the idea of ‘end of history’ was floated, has been able to unite communists round the world to evaluate the changing situation, reinvigorate their movement, unite and continue their fight for peace, freedom, progress and socialism.

While attending this 11th International Meeting we are witnessing the most severe and deepest crisis of Capitalism in the United States and meltdown of a global scale. Plunder and war, militarization, arms trade, overt and covert, gambling, machination of the multinationals, speculations in the currency market and overwhelming chaos is turning the world into a huge casino. The fundamental contradiction of capitalism is blowing up with catastrophic impact. It is capitalism which will cause the end of civilization unless it is overthrown. Capitalist system will not change automatically It has to be overthrown by conscious struggle of the working class, toiling people and broad masses led by the communists, left and progressive forces

People in the USA and other countries want change, a real change. Capitalism is responding to the crisis by mobilising public resources to bail out and strengthen private corporate power.Losses are being socialised while privatization of profit continues. Unemployment, hunger, disease, homelessness and insecurity of people continue to increase.

Imperialism not only exploits people in their own country but continue to plunder developing countries, including their natural resources. And for this imperialism is trying to impose its economic, political and military hegemony in different parts of the world. Pressure, intrigue, assassination, blockade, military intervention, occupation or genocide, nothing seems to be unethical for US imperialism and its allies.

Bangladesh achieved its independence in 1971 after an armed liberation struggle. Just before our victory US 7th fleet armed with nuclear weapons was rushed to Bay of Bengal to crush our movement but failed.

Ever since our independence US imperialism has done everything from food-diplomacy leading to famine, conspiracy, assassination and support to unconstitutional, autocratic and military governments. The so-called open market economy, privatization and structural reform dictated by World Bank and IMF gong has resulted in de-industrialisation, huge unemployment, pauperization, hunger and poverty. Imperialism did not hesitate to support communal and religious fundamentalist forces including Jamate Islami and many of its outfits operating in the open or underground, extreme right wing elements and autocratic forces to bring about the fall of governments and install governments of their choice who could rightly serve US interest.

It was the machination of US and its allies which brought an army backed caretaker Government to power in Bangladesh on 11 January 2007, who ruled the country for two years instead of three months in utter violation of the constitution. The failure of the bourgeoisies parties to ensure minimum good governance to ensure the stability of the capitalist system, compelled their masters to promote a policy of de-politicisation and to look for a third alternative from amongst the so-call civil-society and civil, military beurocrats trained in the West and with work experience in Breton-woods institutions. However the project failed due to struggle of the workers, peasants, students, democratic and left progressive forces. Election to the Parliament was held in December last year.

The newly elected Government has to face the challenges caused by economic melt down. Basic shifts are required in the policies dictated by World Bank and the West which has led to unbridled price hike, closure of factories, unemployment, hunger, poverty and lack of basic amenities of life

The religious fundamentalists and terrorist, killers, defeated forces of liberation war of 1971, extreme right wing elements, and the war criminals are now trying desperately to create chaos and anarchy in the country and opening the path for foreign intervention.

Historically war criminals of 1971 are the natural allies of the most notorious war criminal of the present day world the US Government. US is putting all kinds of pressure on Bangladesh so that the US and its allies and the MNC’s can plunder our oil and gas in the land and the sea, our coal mines, ports and other resources. The geo-political situation of Bangladesh, bordering China, Myanmar, Nepal and India, particularly its sensitive north-eastern zone, and the Bay of Bengal has made it the focal point of US strategy in the region.

Imperialism is also provoking tension and clashes between countries in the region. We express deep concern at the news of military mobilization between borders of Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, China, Nepal and Pakistan. U.S Navy has recently stepped up its military maneuvers in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. U.S is doing everything to contain China. Bangladesh has already been entangled with USA and almost a dozen of secret treaties were signed between the two countries which greatly undermine the sovereignty and interest of Bangladesh. U.S is putting pressure on Bangladesh to sign agreements like TIFA, HANA etc. which will jeopardize our independence. Our party firmly believes that countries of this region must not fall into the trap of imperialists. We must resolve our disputes in a peaceful manner. We should unite and build up all round cooperation for development, share our common rivers, combine our efforts to make a comprehensive plan for the development of our water basins and ensure mutual trust and cooperation. We should unite to resist attempts to impose US hegemony in the region.

Communist Party of Bangladesh is fighting in the fore front against imperialist conspiracy in the region and its effort to plunder our natural resources.

Today, nuclear arms pose a grave danger to human existence. The number of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction continues to grow. Militarisation is leading to war and conflict. Securities of states and people are being threatened. As a result we can see the emergence of police states or hard states. Fundamental Human and democratic rights and freedoms are being curtailed and a senseless and endless situation of confrontation and war is being precipitated.

We have to mobilize broad forces of peace to step up global struggle for complete disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament and continue fight against war and occupation.

Mankind faces grave danger of environmental degradation and climate change. The very existence of human being and all life forms is being threatened. Capitalisms unbridled lust for profit, culture of consumerism, senseless extravagance and wastefulness etc. are responsible for such a situation. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. We are approaching ecological catastrophe in Bangladesh and elsewhere.

We must drastically reduce carbon emission. We must switch over to renewable energy, eco-friendly development. No energy war but an energy revolution.

It is high time to stop destruction in the name of development. The bourgeoisie will never place people before profit. It is not because they are good or bad. It is because of the social and economic category they represent, the narrow interest they uphold.

Communist Parties should be in the vanguard of the struggle against environmental degradation and climate change. More than a century back Marx said “man lives on nature…. Man is part of nature” Engels warned against winning victories over nature and its degradation He wrote,” Let us not however flatter ourselves over much on account of victories over nature. For each such victory it (nature) takes revenge.” Nothing could be more important than to save life, nature and the earth, our common habitat.

Nothing could stop working class and toiling people from fighting imperialist and capitalist exploitation. New stratum and social forces are coming forward in the struggle for emancipation. Global mass movements are developing on various issues effecting wide sections of people struggle against imperialist hegemony and aggression. Huge mass movements against Capitalist exploitation, discrimination, inequality, gap between poor and rich, struggle against war, for peace, freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and people’s wellbeing and struggle against environmental degradation and climate change are converging in great waves of popular movements which ultimately challenge the very foundations of capitalism.

Communist and progressive forces have achieved victories in different parts of the world. Anti imperialist, anti capitalist, left and popular governments are coming to power in Latin America and other places. A fierce struggle is going on. There are no straight roads to socialism. Varied social forces and unique elements are coming to the fore with ideas which may not always conform to some of the prevailing thoughts amongst us. Many such ideas are amended through practice. Communist Parties are armed with the theories of Marxism Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism, a theory which has stood the test of time. Communists are not dogmatist. While adhering to its ideology communists should act positively to unite all left progressive and popular democratic forces for a common cause for social and economic justice, equality and wellbeing of humanity.

Communists allover the world has to forge effective unity and act globally while also fighting together at the regional and national level.

Thank you and thanks to CPI and CPIM and other parties who have organized and hosted this great event.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Bangla: Speech by Manzurul Ahsan Khan on Oil and Gas

President CPB at the National Convention Organised by " Oil gas electricity port and national wealth protection Committee" held on 24 October 2009 at Institution of Engineers Dhaka Transcribed from Extempore speech

Sunday, 18 October 2009

রাখালের কলাম : জঙ্গিবাদের চাইতে বড় বিপদ "মাওবাদ"

রাখালের কলাম____________
জঙ্গিবাদের চাইতে বড় বিপদ মাওবাদ!

হঠাৎতন্ত্রের দেশে, হঠাৎ করিয়াই দেখিতেছি, জঙ্গিবাদের চাইতে যেন মাওবাদই বড় বিপদ হিসাবে দেখা দিয়াছে। বর্তমান সরকার ক্ষমতায় আসিবার পর অস্ত্রপাতিসহ জঙ্গি ধরার হিড়িক পরিয়া গিয়াছিল। সংবাদপত্র ও টিভি পর্দায় ছবিসহ লোমহর্ষক কাহিনী প্রকাশিত হইল। জঙ্গিবাদের বিপদের কথা বলিতে বলিতে মন্ত্রী-নেতারা মুখে ফেনা তুলিতে লাগিলেন। পরিস্থিতি এমন পর্যায়ে গিয়াছিল যে, বণিক সমিতির নেতা বলিলেন, এত কথা বলিলে সারা বিশ্বে বাংলাদেশ জঙ্গিতে ভরা এই রূপ একটি ইমেজ দাঁড়াইতেছে। কয়েকজন ব্যবসায়ী বিদেশে যাইবার ভিসা পর্যন্ত পাইতেছে না। এক্ষণে হঠাৎ করিয়াই যেন জঙ্গি লইয়া কথাবার্তা তেমন শুনিতে পারিতেছি না। বরং সংবাদপত্রে এই মর্মে খবর বাহির হইয়াছে যে, এত জঙ্গি ধরিবার পর উহারা কোথায় গেল? কি করিয়া জামিন পাইল এবং জামিন পাওয়ার পর অনেকেই উধাও হইয়া গেল, এইসব লইয়া নানা প্রশড়ব। সংবাদপত্রে দেখিয়াছিলাম জামালপুরে এক সাথে কয়েকজন জঙ্গি নারী ধরা পড়িয়াছিল। বিভিনড়ব পত্রিকায় তাহাদের ছবিও আসিয়াছে। শুনিলাম মুক্তিযুদ্ধে নেতৃত্বদানকারী দলের দু-একজন নেতা তাহাদের ছাড়াইয়া আনার ব্যবস্থা করিয়াছে। মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বিজয় অর্জনের পরপরও এইরূপ ঘটিয়াছে। অর্থ ও স্বার্থের বিনিময়ে যুদ্ধাপরাধীসহ কুখ্যাত রাজাকারদের রক্ষা করা হইয়াছে, তাহাদিগকে সমাজে পুনর্বাসিত করা হইয়াছে। অপরদিকে শহীদ তাজুলের মতো, ন্যাপ-কমিউনিস্ট পাটি-ছাত্র ইউনিয়নের প্রকৃত মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের অনেককেই জীবনরক্ষার জন্য বনে-বাদাড়ে ঘুরিতে হইয়াছে।

কেহ কেহ জীবনও দিয়াছেন। অনেক ক্ষেত্রে নিরীহ লোকজনকে আটক করিয়া টাকা আদায় করা হইয়াছে। এইসবের পরিণতিতেই পাকিস্তানপন্থী, যুদ্ধাপরাধী রাজাকাররা ক্ষমতা দখল করিয়াছে। দেশবাসী জঙ্গিদের শাস্তি চায়। জঙ্গিদের নেটওয়ার্কের মূলোৎপাটন চায়, উহাদের

Sunday, 4 October 2009

রাখালের কলাম : শেখ হাসিনা ষড়যন্ত্রের বিরুদ্ধে কি ব্যবস্থা লইতেছেন

রাখালের কলাম------------
শেখ হাসিনা ষড়যন্ত্রের বিরুদ্ধে কি ব্যবস্থা লইতেছেন
প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলিয়াছেন, গণতন্ত্র নস্যাৎ করার ষড়যন্ত্র এখনও বন্ধ হয় নাই। গণতন্ত্র ব্যাহত ও নস্যাৎ করার ষড়যন্ত্র চলিতেছে। অনেক লড়াই-সংগ্রাম করিয়া গণতন্ত্রকে পুনরুদ্ধার করিয়াছি। জনগণকে সজাগ থাকিতে হইবে, পুনরুদ্ধার করা গণতন্ত্র কেহ যেন আর হরণ করিতে না পারে। সবাই সতর্ক না থাকিলে বিডিআরের মতো অমানবিক ঘটনা আবারও ঘটিতে পারে। তবে জনগণের সহযোগিতা থাকিলে সকল ষড়যন্ত্র মোকাবেলা করিয়া আমরা দেশকে আগাইয়া লইয়া যাইবই।
গত ১৫ সেপ্টেম্বর জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত ‘আন্তর্জাতিক গণতন্ত্র’ দিবস উপলক্ষে বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় সংসদে আনিত এক প্রস্তাবের উপর আলোচনা করিতে গিয়া শেখ হাসিনা এই কথা বলেন। তিনি বলেন, মিলিটারি ডিক্টেটররা ক্ষমতা দখল করে। রাষ্ট্র চালায়। বার বার এই ধরনের ঘটনার জন্য দেশ পিছাইয়া পড়িয়াছে। প্রধানমন্ত্রী আরও বলেন, কোথাও কোনো নির্বাচিত সরকারকে মিলিটারি ডিক্টেটর উৎখাত করিতে পারিবে না এবং জনগণের অধিকার ভোটাধিকার ও মৌলিক অধিকার লইয়া ছিনিমিনি খেলা যাইবে না- জাতিসংঘের পক্ষ হইতে এমন একটি প্রস্তাব গ্রহণ করা হউক। শুধু বাংলাদেশেই নহে,সম্প্রতি মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে গিয়াও শেখ হাসিনা ষড়যন্ত্রের কথা বলিয়াছেন। এমনকি ইহাও বলিয়াছেন যে এক-এগারোর শক্তিরা আবারও ফিরিয়া আসিবার ষড়যন্ত্র করিতেছে। স্বয়ং প্রধানমন্ত্রী যখন আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে এই ধরনের কথা বলেন তখন তাহাকে নিছক ‘ষড়যন্ত্র তত্ত্ব’ বলিয়া উড়াইয়া দেওয়া যায় না।
শেখ হাসিনা সুস্পষ্টভাবেই সেনা শাসনের দিকে আঙ্গুলি নির্দেশ করিয়াছেন। বস্তুত বাংলাদেশের ৩৮ বৎসরের শাসনের বেশির ভাগ সময়ই ছিল সেনাশাসন। সরাসরি অথবা নেপথ্যে। সাবেক সেনাপ্রধান মঈন উ আহমেদ অবশ্য গর্ব করিয়া বলিয়াছিলেন,তিনি সেনা শাসন করিতে চাহেন নাই। সেনাবাহিনী অন্যান্য সরকারি সংস্থার মতোই নিজস্ব দায়িত্ব পালন করিয়াছে মাত্র। ইচ্ছা করিলেই তিনি ক্ষমতা দখল করিতে পারিতেন। করেন নাই। বাংলাদেশের সেনাবাহিনী মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে গড়িয়া উঠা বাহিনী। ইহা পাকিস্তানের সেনাবাহিনী নহে। দেশের মানুষ স্বাধীনতার পর

Monday, 21 September 2009

রাখালের কলাম : থলির বিড়াল বাহির হইয়া পড়িতেছে

রাখালের কলাম------------
থলির বিড়াল বাহির হইয়া পড়িতেছে
এতদিনে থলির বিড়াল সব যেন বাহির হইয়া পড়িতেছে। আমাদের সুশীল সমাজ লেখায় প্রবন্ধে, টক শো-তে, সভা-সেমিনারে, সমাবেশে বাংলাদেশকে সঙ্কট হইতে উদ্ধার করিবার মহাপরিকল্পনা তুলিয়া ধরিতে শুরু করিলেন। আদর্শ রাজনীতি, আদর্শ নির্বাচন, আদর্শ সমাজ ও অর্থনীতি কিভাবে গড়িয়া তুলিতে হইবে দেশবাসীকে তাহার সবক দিতে দিতে মুখে ফেনা তুলিলেন। চলমান রাজনীতি ও রাজনীতিবিদদের তুলাধুনা করিয়া নোবেল বিজয়ী ‘নিষ্পাপ’ ব্যক্তিত্বকে সামনে নিয়ে আসিতে থাকিলেন।
রাজনীতিতেও নানা দ্বন্দ্ব-সংঘাত, উত্থান-পতন, সংলাপ-রংলাপ চলিতে থাকিল। আমাদের ডোনাররা বা দান খয়রাতকারীরা, যাহারা সুদে-আসলে দানের অর্থ তুলিয়া লইতে ভুলেন না তাহারাও প্রকাশ্যে উপদেশ নির্দেশ দান করিতে থাকিলেন। টিভি চ্যানেল ও সংবাদপত্র তাহা ফলাও করিয়া প্রকাশ করিতে থাকিল। তাহারা বড় দলগুলি বিশেষত আওয়ামী লীগ, বিএনপি, জামাত, জাতীয় পার্টির বড় বড় নেতাদের ডাকিয়া খানাপিনা করিয়া কতরকম শলা-পরামর্শ করিলেন, ফমুর্লা হাজির করিলেন। সুশীল সমাজ ধন্য ধন্য করিয়া উঠিলেন। মুরুব্বীরা ঠিক মুরুব্বীর কাজই করিতেছেন। তাহারা দেশের নেতা-নেত্রীদের মধ্যে ঝগড়াঝাটি মিটাইয়া বাংলাদেশে শান্তি ফিরাইয়া আনিতেছেন। সাম্রাজ্যবাদী ‘এককেন্দ্রিক’ মহাশক্তিধর ইচ্ছা করিলেই বাঘ ও ছাগলকে এক ঘাটে জল খাওয়াইতে পারে। কিন্তু উহারা শেষ পর্যন্ত পারিলেন না। অথবা সঙ্কটের মীমাংসা হউক তাহা চাহিলেন না।
অবশেষে ২০০৭ সালের ১১ জানুয়ারি জরুরি অবস্থা জারি হইল। আমেরিকান স্টাইলে উহার নামকরণ হইল ১/১১। সেনা সমর্থিত সরকার ফখরুদ্দিন সাহেবের নেতৃত্বে সুশীলসমাজের।
প্রস্তাবনা অনুসারে কিছু ভালো ভালো ঘোষণা দিল। আন্দোলনরত দলগুলি হঠাৎ করিয়াই যেন চুপ মরিয়া গেলেন। তাহাদের কর্মসূচি বাতিল করিলেন। ‘বোকার দল’ কমিউনিস্ট পার্টি জরুরি অবস্থা এবং মৌলিক অধিকার হরণের বিরুদ্ধে মুক্তাঙ্গনে সমাবেশ ও মিছিল করিল। অন্যান্য কিছু বাম দলও প্রতিবাদ করিল। কমিউনিস্ট পার্টির উপর হামলা আসিল। ছাত্র ইউনিয়নের সভাপতিসহ কয়েকজনকে গ্রেফতার করা হইল। পার্টি নেতাদের গ্রেফতারের জন্য পার্টি অফিস পুলিশ, বিডিআর, র‌্যাব দেড় ঘণ্টার উপর ঘিরিয়া রাখিল।
তার পরের কাহিনী আমরা জানি। সুশীল সমাজের বিরাজনীতিকীকরণের ধারায় রাজনীতির বিরুদ্ধে ঢালাও বিষোদ্গার। যাহা কোনোদিন কল্পনা করা যায় নাই হাসিনা-খালেদাসহ বাঘা বাঘা নেতা-নেত্রীদের গ্রেফতারের হিড়িক লাগিয়া গেল। কোটি কোটি টাকার দুর্নীতির অভিযোগে মামলা হইল। দেশ বিদেশের ব্যাংক হইতে শুরু করিয়া বালিশ, লেপ, তোষক, ড্রাম, পুকুর হইতে কোটি কোটি টাকা উদ্ধার হইতে থাকিল। রাস্তা-ঘাটে বস্তা ভরা টাকা, কোটি টাকা মূল্যের গাড়ি পড়িয়া থাকিল। ইয়াজউদ্দিন, ফখরুদ্দিন, মইন উদ্দিন এই তিন

Monday, 24 August 2009

Stop mischievous campaign about Chittagong Hill Tracts-CPB

Communist Party of Bangladesh has strongly condemned mischievous propaganda by interested quarters about limited withdrawal of Army from Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT).

CPB President Manzurul Ahsan Khan and General Secretary Mujahidul Islam Selim in a statement to the press said that certain quarters have started mischievous campaign against withdrawal of some troops from CHT. These quarters resorted to such provocative campaign of lies in the past and pushed the country into conspiracy and untoward incidents. The leaders mentioned that about a decade ago a Peace Treaty was signed in CHT. As a result of the agreement peace was established in the Hills, armed struggle and killing of Army personnel and other civilians come to an end. The whole world welcomed the peace treaty. BNP-Jamat alliance opposed the agreement and carried out propaganda that as a result of the agreement CHT will secede from Bangladesh. But when they came to power,they did not cancel the accord.. Now according to the peace accord,though belated a limited number of troops are being withdrawn. Even when the withdrawal of troops will be completed as envisaged in the treaty. 6 cantonments will remain in the area with troops armaments as in other cantonments allover the country.

Certain quarters are campaigning in such a way as if CHT was an occupied teritory and the Army is being withdrawn leaving the CHT in the hands of the enemies. It may be mentioned that despite apprehensions from certain quarters CHT has not seceded. Nor does any other country lay claim to CHT. On the other hand other than CHT in many other places we have border disputes since long.

Recently India and Myanmar has laid claims on Bangladesh Blocks in the Bay of Bengal earmarked for exploration of oil and gas. There was some military tension in the area. Actually preparations should be taken to give due attention to those areas.

Manzur and Selim said that we are of the opinion that the peace treaty and understanding should be implemented in full. It is not enough to withdraw troops but an end to the virtual Military rule in the area should be ensured.

As in other places of the country the Govt. and civil administration should take every measure so that the Paharis and Bangalees can live in peace in the area. The political leadership has also a great responsibility in this matter. Provocations against each other, disrupting peace process and again pushing towards a war situation etc will give rise to a dangerous crisis. If we look into recent tragic events in several countries of the present day world we can realize this danger. Chittagong Hill Tracts is an integral part of Bangladesh. If at any time our sovereignty is threatened due to imperialist conspiracy additional troops can always be sent like in other such areas. The Adibasis, Bangalees, Hindus, Muslim, Budhdhist, Christians all are equal citizens with equal rights and dignity. The rights and honor of all of them must be ensured to consolidate the independence and integrity of Bangladesh.

-20August, 2009 CPB Press Release.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

রাখালের কলাম : ষড়যন্ত্র এখনও চলিতেছে

রাখালের কলাম--------------
ষড়যন্ত্র এখনও চলিতেছে

বিশ্বের সর্বাপেক্ষা শক্তিধর সন্ত্রাসী রাষ্ট্র মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের রাষ্ট্রদূত মরিয়ার্টি সম্প্রতি বলিয়াছেন, বাঙালির একটি দোষ তাহারা সবকিছুতেই ষড়যন্ত্র দেখে। হ্যাঁ, ষড়যন্ত্র দেখাটা খুবই অন্যায়, ষড়যন্ত্র করাটা মোটেই অন্যায় নহে। মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র হইতেছে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড় ষড়যন্ত্রকারী। তাহাদের বিদেশনীতি এবং কূটনীতি বারোআনী হইতেছে ষড়যন্ত্র-হত্যাকান্ড--অন্তর্ঘাত, রাষ্ট্রীয়ভাবে এবং ভাড়াটিয়ার মাধ্যমে সন্ত্রাস পরিচালনা, সংঘাত-সংঘর্ষ-গণহত্যা ও প্রকাশ্য যুদ্ধ। মার্কিনীরা নিজেদের আইন, আন্তর্জাতিক আইন, জাতিসংঘের আইন, শত সহস্র বৎসর ধরিয়া গড়িয়া ওঠা আন্তর্জাতিক রীতিনীতি লঙ্ঘন করিতেছে। তাহাদের ভাষায় ‘মার্কিন স্বার্থ’ রক্ষায় জগতে এমন কোনো অপরাধ নাই যাহা করিতে তাহারা দ্বিধা করে। মার্কিনীরা পুঁজিবাদী যে নিয়ম-কানুন রীতিনীতি আছে প্রয়োজনে তাহাও লঙ্ঘন করিতে পিছপা হয় না। যে ব্রিটেন উডস্ সমঝোতার মধ্যে বিশ্বব্যাংক, আইএমএফ, ডব্লিওটিও-র জন্ম সেই সমঝোতাও এককভাবে প্রথম লঙ্ঘন করিয়াছে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র। বিদেশে সাম্রাজ্যবাদীদের কী নীতি হয় তাহা খুব স্পষ্ট করিয়া বলিয়াছিলেন ব্রিটিশ প্রধানমন্ত্রী স্যার এ্যাটলি। “Britain has no principles beyond its borders only interests. অর্থাৎ“ব্রিটেনের সীমান্তের বাহিরে তাহার কোনো নীতি নাই, আছে শুধু স্বার্থ”।
সারা বিশ্বে কত হত্যা সন্ত্রাস সংঘঠিত হইয়াছে এই মার্কিনীদের নির্দেশে তাহার কোনো ইয়ত্তা নাই। তথ্য অধিকার আইন অনুসারে সিআইএ-সহ বিভিনড়ব সংস্থার কিছু কিছু দলিলপত্র প্রকাশিত হইতেছে। সাম্প্রতিক কালে বঙ্গবন্ধু হত্যাকান্ড-কে কেন্দ্র করিয়া বিভিনড়ব মার্কিন দলিলপত্র প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে। প্রথম
আলো পত্রিকায় তাহা লইয়া বিস্তারিত ও গবেষণামূলক লেখা প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে। তবে এখনও প্রকাশিত দলিলপত্রে দেখা যায় কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লাইন বোঝা যাইতেছে না, অথবা কালো কালি দিয়া কাটিয়া দেওয়া হইয়াছে। তবু যাহা জানা যায় তাহা লোমহর্ষক।
যাহা হউক, আসল কথায় আসি। মরিয়ার্টি সাহেব হঠাৎ করিয়া কেন বলিলেন, বাঙালিরা সবকিছুতেই ষড়যন্ত্র দেখে! তিনি এবং তাহার উর্ধ্বতন কর্তারা কিছুদিন আগে সাফাই গাহিয়াছেন, আমরা ১/১১-এর সহিত জড়িত ছিলাম না। একে একে কয়েকজন রাষ্ট্রদূত এইরূপ সাফাই গাহিয়াছেন। সেইসব লইয়া গত সংখ্যায় আলোচনা করিয়াছি। তাহাদের কথা সত্য হইলে বুঝিতে হইবে, ‘প্রিন্স অব ডেনমার্ক’ ছাড়াই ‘হ্যামলেট’ নাটকটি মঞ্চস্থ হইয়াছে। শেক্সপিয়ারের বিখ্যাত নাটক ‘হ্যামলেট’। হ্যামলেট ছিলেন প্রিন্স অব ডেনমার্ক অর্থাৎ ডেনমার্কের যুবরাজ। তাহাকে ছাড়া ‘হ্যামলেট’ কিভাবে মঞ্চস্থ হইতে পারে।
১/১১-এর পর ফখরুদ্দিন সাহেবের শপথ গ্রহণ অনুষ্ঠানে যাহারা উপস্থিত ছিলেন তাহারা দেখিয়াছেন কিভাবে বিজয়ীর বেশে মিজ বিউটিনেস, মিজ রেনেটা প্রমুখ দরবার হলে প্রবেশ করিলেন। হাত মিলাইলেন, পরস্পরকে চুম্বন করিলেন। সেই চুম্বন গিয়ে আমাদের সংবিধান বিশারদ ড. কামাল হোসেনের গন্ড-দেশেও পতিত হওয়ার উপμম হইয়াছিল। কিন্তু হায়! কোথা হইতে টিভি ক্যামেরা ও ফটো সাংবাদিকরা আসিয়া পড়িল। পারস্পরিক অভিনন্দনের

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

CPB Pays Homage to Sheikh Mujib- Ekota Special Correspondant

Communist Party of Bangladesh paid homage to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman founding leader of Bangladesh on the occasion of National Mourning Day,August 15 2009. On the same day in 1975 President Mujib was brutally assassinated along with his family members by a group of army officers. CPB President Manzurul Ahsan Khan said Mujib was killed by foreign & domestic conspirator to undo the achievement of the liberation struggle of 1971. He demanded immediate implementation of the court verdict,punishment of the convicts and also to identify and expose the international and national conspirators involved in the assassination plot. Manzur was giving his presidential speech at a meeting organized at the party’s central office in Dhaka. The meeting was also addressed by Party leader Shahidullah Choudhury, Morshed Ali, Prof. A.N Rasheda,Ahsan Habib Lavlu Ruhin Hossain Prince and Advocate Ziad Al Malum. Manzurul Ahsan Khan said the independence struggle of Bangladesh was a big set back for the US strategy in the region.Mujib took certain progressive measures which were disliked by reactionary circles.Imperialists were planning to take revenge in collaboration with the local reactionaries. Manzur said 34yrs have passed.,It is high time that all classified documents of that period with the US state department, CIA and other such organizations of UK, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh should be made open to public. Right to information is a fundamental human right which must be honored by all countries big or small. He said Bangabandhu was an outstanding leader of the people of Bangladesh who fought relentlessly for democracy, national rights and social progress. His personal acquaintance and relationship with the communists in prison and outside played a vital role in the making of his mental make up. Mujib was a dynamic leader who developed himself along with the mass movement and took radical position. Corruption, in-fighting and conspiracies within and outside the party led to his tragic assassination. CPB under the leadership of Comrade Farhad and others took the first initiatives to build up united struggle against the brutal murder and shift towards right reaction. Manzurul Ahsan Khan said after independence Bangabandhu advanced along the line of secularism, democracy, active non alignment, leading role of public sector with a mixed economy and progressive reforms. These progressive measures were being opposed from the very beginning by killer Mushtaq(who became President after the assassination)and other rightist elements in AL.At prsentAwami League seems to follow the line of Mushtaq. Eulogizing Mujib while abandoning his progressive ideas is an attempt to comodify Mujib for personal aggrandizement. Communists evaluate every leader in the context of his historical and socio-economical phase and class position. Communist own the great heritage of leaders of all the historical movements from Shidhu-Kanu who lead the first anti colonial armed revolt of indigeneous people, leaders of 1st Independence Struggle(Sepoy Mutiny), Khudiram and Shurjoshen, Gandhi, Sher-e-Bangla Fazlul Haq, Moulana Bhasani, Comrade Moni Singh and many other including Bangabandhu who brought independent Bangladesh into existence. It is the Communist Party which will have to gain enough strength to build up another revolution which will fulfill the dreams of Bangabandhu and the martyrs of our Great Liberation Struggle,and consolidate its achievements.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples

CPB President Manzurul Ahsan Khan said that the Adibasi, JanoJati or national minorities as you may call it must be given due recognition in the constitution of Bangladesh and all discrimination, killings, repression, exploitation and land grabbing should be stopped immediately. Inaugurating 2 day long programme of International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples (9th August) starting on the 8 th morning at the central Shahid Minar organized by Bangladesh Adibasi Forum. Manzur further said that if we really want to realize the dreams of millions Bangalees and Adibasis who died during the Independence Struggle of Bangladesh,we should immediately restore the 1972 constitution which is one of the most democratic and progressive constitution in the countries of the region. He said though the constitution is categorical against any form of racialism and discrimination, the 72 constitution did not ensure the constitutional rights of adibasis. Recently ruling party leaders are also talking about ammedments in the constitution such as increasing the number of women MP’s and reducing the tenure of elected Govt.The 1st amendment should be recognition of Adibasis after the restoration of 72’s constitution. He said necessary up dating, improvements and even promulgation of new laws should be made to ensure traditional land rights, right to forests, hills and water resources, progressive customs and practices.

CPB President expressed satisfaction about the withdrawal of Army units from Chittagong Hill Tracts. He said it was Sheikh Hasinas Govt. who signed a peace treaty ending the armed struggle of Pahari Adibasis. But unfortunately the then Awami League Govt could not or did not fully implement the peace accord. The BNP, Jamat Government opposed the treaty carried on repressive measures in the Hill Tracts and the region was under virtual Army Rule. He expressed surprise about recent statements of certain political parties criticizing the withdrawal of the Army from the Area. He asked is Chittagong Hill Tracts an occupied area? Is there a war going on? Has any country laid claims on Chittagong hill tracts? The army is being withdrawn according to the treaty. The treaty was not ammulled by BNP Jamat Govt. Even after the withdrawal of troops 6 contonments will be there. Army will remain in the cantonment like in all other places of the country. The main thing is Chittagong Hill Tracts will be under civilian control. No military rule, killing, crossfire, torture, intervention. Manzur said we have dispute regarding our borders in other areas. Other countries are claiming their ownership of land belonging to Bangladesh. Even the sea blocks earmarked for exploration of gas and oil are being claimed by Myanmar and India. Those parties should have demanded that our Army and Navy should be rushed to those places to protect our territory. Our Army is supposed to protect our territory and the people, not to fight our own people! He said off course if the US and their allies try to use the territory to proceed with their aggressive designs targeting Myanmar and China our Army will rush there to resist..Paying homage to Adibasis and their martyred and deceased, leaders Shidu, Kanu who led the 1st Armed Santal Revolt against the British Rulers, Tonko movement led by Comrade Moni Singh, Nachol Revolt of Sautals led by Ila Mitra, Nankar movement led by Comrade Ajoy Bhattacharia, Abdus Salam alias, Barin Dutta and Comrade Hena Das who died only recently at the age of 85.

M.N Larma a revolutionary who lead the armed resistance of Pahari Adibasis in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and recent martyars Kalpana Chakma, Alfred Soren, Ciles Risil, Piren Snal and young comrade Sattyaban Hajong. Manzur said killings are going on unabated and nobody is being punished.

CPB President delivering his inaugural address said that the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been elected this time with a massive mandate and she should implement the peace accord and understanding reached a decade ago, without delay and hesitation.Manzur said in their struggle the Adibasis are not alone the Bangalaee people will also join in their common struggle. Bangladesh was born in the fierce struggle against national oppression and we cannot allow any oppression or discrimination against national minorities in our own country..

Manzur said today we are holding the inaugural meeting at the monument to the martyars of Language movement of 21st February 1952. That is now according to UN decision International Mothers Language Day. Now its our duty to protect the language, culture and heritage of Adibasis.

He said today mankind and all life forms faces a grave danger of extinction due to degradation of environment, nature and climate change. We can learn from the rich experience of indigenous people, and their culture, livelihood etc. how to live in complete harmony with nature and save both.

Presided over by Jyotirindra Bodhipriya (Santu) Larna, the meeting was addressed by Sanjeeb Drong. General Secretary of Bangladesh Adibasi Forum, Rashed Khan Menon MP, Pankaj Bhattacharya, Hasanul Huq Inu MP, Ramenda Majumder, Syed Abul Moksud, Mamunur Rashid, Ayesha Khanam, Khushi Kabir, Prof. Mesbah Kamal, Numan Ahmed Khan, Dr. Shamim Ahmed Khan, Shaktipada Tripura, K.S. Mong and others.

The function was rounded off with traditional Adibasi songs and dances.

A colourfull rally paraded the streets around Shahid Minar.

Ekota Special Correspondent, Dated 9th August 2009Justify Full

Friday, 17 July 2009

Speech Delivered by MAK on 23.3.2000 at 14th World Trade Union Congress organised by WFTU in New Delhi


Transcribed in to written form from extempore speech,

Comrade President, sisters and brothers,
on behalf of Bangladesh delegation representing several national trade union and on behalf of SKOP, a Trade Union alliance of 17 National TU’s of various orientation and in the name of the working class we extend our solidarity to workers and people of different countries round the world who are fighting against, Blockades, Embargo, trade sanctions, hegemony, pressures and open military aggression.

Solidarity has become the most crucial point in the present day TU and other mass movements. The global onslaught of capital has to be resisted today by united action of labour on a global scale, of TU’s, political and mass organizations, professionals, humanists and environmentalists and all oppressed peoples.

The country behind the iron, nuclear, electronic and misinformation curtain-I mean the US imperialism is trying to deceive the world in the name of globalization and global village.

The leader of international state terrorism President Bill Clinton is now on state visit to countries of this region. The international laws, conventions and civilized practices developed through centuries of working class and people’s struggle including the UN charter are being grossly violated by these global terrorists. This terrorism extends to all spheres including political, economic, currency, information, cultural, military and bio ecological spheres and all life forms.

The imperialist governments, MNC’s and their World Bank, IMF, WTO, imposed on us their prescription of privatization, liberalization and so-called open and free market concept.

As in many other countries in Bangladesh also whole sale and indiscriminate privatization has lead to large scale closure. De-industrialization, retrenched workers joining million of unemployed. The so-called liberalization and open market has caused our commodities and services to be pushed out of the local markets and flooding of the same by foreign goods and services As a matter of fact in real life our markets are open to rich countries while their own markets are closed or restricted. Even the meager possibility of entering the markets of developed countries is being cunningly resisted by protectionism veiled by so-called labour standards, employment of child labour, human rights, and other non tariff barriers etc.
In the name of open market the imperialists allow free flow or mobility of capital, profits, commodities and machineries but oppose mobility of labour., free flow of manpower, a visa free global village because that will go against the interest of rich developed countries.
The big bosses of the world put restrictions on our garments exports on pleas that child labour was employed but do not restrict tea exports where child labour and virtual slave labour is used in many of the Tea Gardens are owned by British companies, their class brothers. Trade union will of course continue to fight against child labour in Bangladesh and USA wherever it is. We will fight for a healthy and happy childhood which is being continuously threatened by super profiteering.

We are asked to abide by the diktats of Breton Wood Organizations, but USA violated the Breton Wood understanding by unilaterally withdrawing gold support against US dollar and plunders the world economy and continues to do so in terms of trillions of dollar.

Mr. Clinton asks Bangladesh not to give any subsidy in agriculture or other sectors but he continues to give, directly or indirectly, huge subsidies to several sectors including agriculture in his own country.

It is the US government talking much about open and free market which is responsible for blockade and sanctions. It was US government who in 1974 diverted ship loaded with food grains sailing to Bangladesh in retaliation against jute export to Cuba. That US action was major factor in precipitating famine creating the backdrop for the brutal assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founder President of Bangladesh. Ours is a subcontinent of assassinated leaders. Much is being said about the transparency but the iron curtain still hides the sins of capitalism. Recently it has been revealed that President Allende of Chile was killed by CIA. Bangladesh President Mujib was killed later. May be we will also come to know about the involvement of the “Global Bosses sand self appointed guardians of democracy and human rights” some times later.

Bill Clinton’s visit to Bangladesh is a business tour. US companies who have purchased several blocks of natural gas field, and are trying to buy the rest in spite of ‘No’ from all the political parties including the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition and of course the Left a US company is trying to obtain lease of 122 acres of Chittagong port at the entry point for 198 years to build private container terminal facilities in despite opposition of port workers backed by several strike actions and popular protests. US business circle had been insisting upon the US Govt. to press upon Bangladesh to give business to US business. The US authorities and World Bank gong continuously sermonize while insisting on privatization and structural adjustment, that government has no business to do business. Bangladesh was declared a “bottomless” basket by Henry Kissinger. Perhaps now after a huge amount of gas and petroleum is reported to be in the bottom of our country the US President is visiting our country for the first time. Possible to gratify the guest who actually behaves like a master, our cabinet hurriedly approved the selling of 3 more blocks it is reported. But may we ask what business President Clinton has to do business in Bangladesh?

In the name of unipolar and peaceful world cold war has been replaced by hot wars, the agenda of total disarmament is being shelved and it is being pretended as if peace will be secured by the monopoly of the world gendarme on nuclear weapons.

We express our solidarity to peoples of Cuba, Vietnam, DPR Korea, China, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Kuwait, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Algeria, and all other countries and people fighting against imperialist pressure and intrigue.

We condemn the killing of Abdel Huq ben Hamounda, the UGTA President by terrorists, and killings and repressions on trade unionist and workers all over the world.

Wherever the US President is visiting he is followed by a huge well armed security staffs, the marines, limousines jets, helicopters and so on. The VIP rooms of our 5 star hotels were turned into VID rooms where Dog squads were staying. Dhaka streets were emptied and the left forces, students and women who brought out black flag demonstrations were beaten up by the police like in India and were given a “good lesson of democracy”. But even after that Clinton’s programmes outside the Dhaka city was cancelled. Why? Who is his enemy in this unipolar world? There is no Soviet Union and no WARSAW. But yet NATO not only continues to exist, but continues to expand. Clinton is afraid of whom? People of the world? His own people? Why? Does he realize that he and the State he represents has done immense damage to the whole human society! Osama Bin Laden is now the most wanted man by USA. Who gave him and the fundamentalist Talibans arms to destroy Afghan Revolution? We were told Saddam Hussein and Iraq was fine when they were at war with Iran. Now we are told they are terrorists. US forces entered Panama and arrested its President on charges of Narcotic trade while a US girl Iliada by name convicted by Bangladesh court and jailed was released on the insistence of US senators and taken back home.

Dear friends, times are really hard. But there is a saying in Bengali “Jar Shesh Bhalo Tar Shob Valo” All well that ends well.

Last part of the last century witnessed disaster. The dissolution of the Soviet Union and socialism in Eastern Europe and all that went with it. But the last days of the centuries saw some victories too. Multilateral agreement on investment has been deferred due to public pressure. Right on the soils of USA the Seattle debacle of US President inspired people round the world to rise up again. During the last days Clinton had to cancel and cut short of many of his visits due to public protests.

Three days from today on 26th march we will celebrate the 29th Independence Day of Bangladesh. You supported our struggle, India supported us. We were supported by Socialist Soviet Union. During the last phase of the liberation war United States sent its 7th fleet loaded with Nuclear Arms. But we won. That spirit of Bangladesh, that spirit of India and that of the peoples all round the world, a spirit not of shameful capitulation but a spirit of honour and dignity, courage, commitment to what is just and fair should be roused and we shall win.

We are not against globalization and a global village. But we are against capitalist globalization, for profit in the interest of Multinational Corporations, Money and Military power. We are for a globalization in the interest of people,so to say a Sicialist globalization, or as Fidel Castro said. whatever name you give, it should be for the people, for mankind and protection of nature,for our earth.

John Lennon, a famous singer who was assassinated in America after a performance imagined about such a world where there will be no exploitation, no hunger, no borders, no wars and everything for Man. He sang.

“No possessions, no need to greed
You may say I am a dreamer,
But I am not the only one
Some day you may join me
And the world shall be one.

Dreams that have been dreamt by millions of billions of people since centuries cannot but come true, Soviet Union is no more but its working class its heroic people and workers and peoples of the world and WFTU is with us. Let us march forwarded in solidarity!
Thank You.

Monday, 13 July 2009

News: Press Release 1st july 2009

Punish killers of Workers. Arrest hooligans and notorious terrorist gong leader Sumon and others responsible for assault, arson and lootings. Release arrested workers and withdraw false cases against workers. Accept the just demands of the workers to ensure industrial peace.

The GSTUK organized a press conference on 1st July 2009 at 11-30 A.M at Progoti Conference Hall of Mukti Bhaban, 2 Comrade Moni Singh Sarak, Dhaka 1000.Bangladesh

The conference was called in the backdrop of killing of two workers of Ashulia adjacent to Capital city Dhaka . The workers of the S.Suhi Industrial Park Ltd were protesting peacefully against dismissal of workers when the Ansar forces (auxiliary police) opened fire on the workers without any provocations. Hundreds of workers were injured and many were arrested. For the last few days a rein of terror has been let loose by police, hired hoodlums of employers and terrorists serving the vested interest..

The Press Conference was presided over by the president of the Organisation Idris Ali. General Secretary Ruhul Amin read out a written statement and Adviser of the organization Advocate Mantu Ghosh, Vice President Sadekur Rahman Shahin, Asst Sec Tuhin Choudhury, office Secretary Joly Talukder, G.S. Ashulia Regional Committee K. M. Mintu,Habibur Rahman,an worker of Opex factory and brother of Mijanur Rahman, worker of S. Suki who was hit by bullet, Selina Khatun, central leader Nasima Akhter, Mamun Khan Joy, Saifulla Al-mamun and other spoke in the conference.

The labour leaders said that the workers of S.Suki Industrial Park Ltd were on peaceful protest against suspension of 3 workers. On 27th June when the workers raised their demands before the AGM they were assaulted by hooligans hired by management. The workers resisted and at one stage Ansar forces inside the factory fired upon the workers on orders of the factory bosses. One worker was killed and several others were injured. The workers then went out of the factory and orgnised protest demonstrations. The processions were also attacked by police and armed hooligans.

On the next day the workers of the whole area numbering hundreds of thousands came out in the street and organized peaceful procession.

Known miscreants and hired hooligans under the protection of police fired upon the workers and another worker were killed and hundreds were injured. The brutal incidents killing and assault of last 2 days created severe unrest and the workers became furious. Several lacs of garment workers work in Ashulia industrial area and adjacent zones..

Leaders explained that during such situations some corrupt ‘jute’ businessmen (buying wastage from garment factories ,usually muscle men) criminal and terrorists, many of whom are involved in extortion from owners of garment factories (Realize huge amount of money from garment owners under duress. Recently several garment owners and business men have been killed by such mafia groups.) use such situations to organise looting and arson and settling scores with opposing groups. This time too these mafia groups created chaos and anarchy.

The leaders reported that on 28th June Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association BGMEA called several leaders of Trade Unions of Garment Workers for a meeting to discuss the situation and find a solution out of the crisis. The leaders attended the meeting and GWTUK leaders requested the employers to invite representatives of workers of Ashulia and S.Suhi factory where the trouble started. At one stage of the discussion Mr. Salam Morshedi President of BGMEA declared that the families of the workers who died will be given a compensation of Taka 3 lacs, Proper treatment for the injured will be ensured, no cases will be instituted against any worker for participating in the movement and no worker will be retrenched. He also declared that a joint delegation of BGMEA and trade union leaders will visit Ashulia and make the announcement to the workers to calm down the situation. GWTUK expressed apprehension and said that it was important to take the workers leaders at the plant level into confidence, particularly because mafia groups were provoking anarchy in the area. But the employer’s leaders insisted.

GWTUK leader informed the press that they went to Ashulia on 29th morning with BGMEA leaders and explained to the workers the declaration made by Mr.Salam Morshedi accepting the demands.

Due to the absence of trade unions at the factory level it was very difficult to convince the workers about the commitments of the employers. It may be noted that in most of the factories the workers are not allowed to form trade unions and any such attempt faces retribution by employers such as dismissal, assault by hooligans and arrest by police. In the absence of trade unions workers grievances cannot be solved by bilateral negotiations and quite often spontaneous outburst take place. More over in the past there were several agreements with the employers but the workers were betrayed in the long run. Workers do not have much confidence on commitments given by employers..

During these meeting mafia groups backed by some big political parties were active and they were organizing brick bating, arson and loot in different places of Ashulia. They also ransacked and set fire to large garment factories belonging to Hamim Group.

The worker leader expressed surprise at the accusations made in certain sections of the press that the garment workers set fire to those factories. The leaders stated in the press conference that the owner of Hamin group Mr. A.K Azad in a public statement said that no worker was involved in the arson and attack. The owner said that it was a pre planned conspiracy of a vested interest group who organized the attack. An official of the factory who was present at the place of occurrence also complained of the connivance of police with the criminals who ransacked the factory. He alleged that the police was simple onlooker and even the fire brigade was obstructed and delayed.

Addressing the press conference the workers leaders complained that various party terrorists and mafia group are involved in criminal activities in the industrial area, They also fight with each other to gain control in the area. A notorious mafia boss Sumon belonging to the present ruling party who is also in jute(waste product of garment factory) business has created a rein of terror in the whole zone along with his groups and is now going around with open arms and beating up trade union activist. They are going to the houses of TU activists and threatening their families. Sumon and gong kidnapped Helal worker of PM Fashion Garments, tortured him physically and handed him over to police. Police raided several times the residence of Tuhin Choudhury and K. M Mintu President and General Secretary of Ashulia Regional Committee of GSWTUK, threatened their wives and relatives and ceased hand mike, booklets, D-forms for TU membership, worker Bi-weekly Sramik Awaj and other documents. Police also asked their family member to leave the area immediately. They also threatened that if they do not leave the area soon they will be killed in so called crossfire. Extra judicial killing in Bangladesh is commonly called ‘cross fire’. More than a thousand people have been killed by Army and Police personnel in utter violation of fundamental human rights.After such killings as a routine press notes are issued claiming that a person under custody while being escorted by law and order forces to identify bases or dens of criminals tried to run away and was killed in cross fires.

Tuhin Choudhury a popular workers leader was beaten up and his mobile and money were snatched away. The notorious Sumon waving fire arms at Jampara Road crossing announced publicly that he will kill Tuhin, Mintu and hundreds of TU activists.

The speakers complained that all these things were happening in open day light before the eyes of Police and Government authorities. They also expressed surprise that in certain news papers there were reports that the trade union leaders provoked the chaos and they even quoted intelligence reports. The TU leaders said that it is evident that the mafia groups have questionable relationship with law enforcing agencies, administration and local political elites.

The workers leaders expressed satisfaction that several newspapers were objective in their reporting and informed the readers of the fact that GSTUK leaders tried their best and even risked their life to bring peace and save the factories from the attack of hooligans. The workers resisted armed gangs when the miscreants ransacked the factories.

The leaders of GSTUK demanded immediate arrest of Sumona Bhuian and gong responsible for anarchy in the region and repression on workers.
Arrest of killers and ensure exemplary punishment.

Immediate implementation of the declaration made by the President of BGMEA

The leaders said that the workers, industry and the countries interests are interdependent. None of them can be saved at the cost of others.

They called upon all workers, employers and the government as well as local people and political forces to unite and work for peace in the industrial area and oppose the forces of anarchy and plunder. They also reiterated that the right to form trade unions guaranteed by law, tripartite agreements and ILO conventions ratified by Bangladesh Government, should be duly honored by Garment owners. The trade unions can play a positive role in settling labour disputes peacefully and avoiding sudden outbursts and unrest which hamper production and industrial peace.The garment owners and the Government must realize that it is due to the absence of trade unions that such workers unrest flares up so often.The Gvt. should also take stern measures against mafia groups involved in looting and arson, irrespective of their political affiliation
The GWTUK leaders also called upon all inside and outside the country to come forward in solidarity to garment workers.

CPB President visits Cyclone Aila affected areas

Mazurul Ahsan Khan President CPB has recently visited South Bengal to distribute relief materials and to see for himself the situation in areas affected by cyclone ‘Aila’. He visited Khulna,Bagerhat,Pirojpur,Boithaghata, Jelekhali, Kamarkhola, Gunari, Dakope, Kalinagar, Paikgacha, Koira, Kalra, Mongla, Mothbaria,and Kochubaria from 11th to 15th June. Accompanied by Presidium Member Muniruzzaman, CC. members Ruhin Hossain Prince and S.A,Rashid,President Bangladesh Students Union, Nure Alam Vice Chairman Mongla Upozilla, Nitai Gain V,Ch, Batiaghata, Krishnapada Mondol V.Ch. Paikgacha and other leaders and distributed relief material to the distressed.He also attended several meetings of public representatives, relief workers and cross section of people to know about the situation in the devastated areas and priorities for required remedial measures and preventive actions .

Recalling his experience in 2008, during his visit to cyclone ‘Cider’ affected areas he said in certain areas the effects of Aila was more disastrous. Many barrages were washed away at several points and saline water flooding destroyed crops and sources of fresh water, and water receded slowly or not at all, he said during press briefings. While visiting remote areas by microbus, boats, trollers, motorcycle and by foot he found scarcity of drinking water was very acute The Government, Navy, only few NGO’s, and CPB arranged for transporting drinking water to some remote areas but it was insufficient. While traveling by boat Manzur saw hundreds of people women and children waiting with water containers at different points of river bank and were crying for water. People working for disaster management were unable to reach remote areas and did not have enough training, and facilities and could not realise the urgent requirements of the distressed. In Mongla port area it was for the first time the township was under saline water. As a result ponds which preserve and supply sweet water for drinking were polluted due to flooding saline and dirty water.. People in Mongla depend on rain water preserved in big containers and pots and sweet water ponds for drinking throughout the years. Manzur briefed press men at different places during his whirlwind tour and said that the government should draw a master plan for barrages in the whole region, taking native knowledge of local people into consideration, avoid harmful barrages and reconstruct barrages necessary which should be wider higher and stronger. Millions of people can be employed for construction of such barrages. Manzur said it is a pity that despite experience of the past the government has failed to do much to ensure supply of safe drinking water to people in south Bengal particularly in coastal areas, which is scarce even during normal times. Emergency measures should be taken to provide safe drinking water during normal time prepare authorities of disaster management to ensure supply of sufficient safe drinking water during cyclones and floods..

Manzur expressed surprise at the failure of the government, most NGO’s, political parties and mass media to give due importance to ‘Aila’ devastation. He said a silent climate migration is taking place in the coastal areas of South Bengal. Local people reported that only from Dakope Upozila 50,000 people have migrated to Khulna city. It is also due to environmental migration besides normal urbanization. CPB President commented that while talking to people during Cider in 2007, he could see peoples will to stay back and rebuild life, but after Aila many people were loosing hope and thinking of migration. He said climate change is having catastrophic effect in Bangladesh and due compensations should realized from rich countries responsible for this. Absolute transparency must be ensured and the money should be properly spent in effected areas. He called for a world wide movement for mitigation not only adaptation due to climate change. He also demanded the recognition of right of effected people to migrate to safe places in the countries responsible for climate change.

CPB president visited village Kachubaria in Shapleja Union of Mothbaria Upozilla, Dist. Pirojpur. CPB constructed Pond Sand Filter in this remote village Kachubaria during last ‘Cider’ which is the only source of safe drinking water for hundreds of inhabitants in the area. He also visited Progoti Primary School at the same place which was also established after the Cider. He distributed books and pencils for 300 students of the school. CPB with the financial support of “Hide Bangladesh Welfare Association” started construction of a Cyclone Center at this place after the cyclone Cider. The construction is going on in full swing despite remoteness of the area and bad communication. Though financial and other constraints are quite high, Manzur expressed hope that the construction will be completed soon.

At the last leg of the tour three members of the relief team including CPB President were hospitalized due to severe diarrhea coupled with electrolytic imbalance. Comrade S A Rashid CC. member and General Secretary of Khulna District Committee of the Party and comrade Hazrat Ali narrowly escaped death. Lack of safe drinking water, food, long and arduous journey, extreme weather was some of the causes. All the three comrades had to be admitted in the local hospital and were released after two days.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Left Parties Condemn Killing and Repression on Garment Workers-CPB Press Release June 29 2009

Demands Acceptance of Their Just Demands.

Leaders of the Communist Party of Bangladesh and other Left Parties strongly condemned the killing of two garment workers and demanded that the Garment Owners and the Government immediately stop repression on workers, give compensation to families of the dead and the injured, arrange for proper treatment, withdraw all false cases against leaders of garment workers and accept the genuine demands of the workers.

The meeting held at Muktangan, Dhaka in the afternoon was addressed amongst others by Manzurul Ahsan Khan President CPB and a Trade Union veteran, Prof. Abdus Sattar of Workers Party (Reorganised), Bazlur Rashid Feroze coordinator of Democratic Left Alliance, Saiful Huq G.S. Biplobi Workers Party, Moshrefa Mishu G.S. Biplobi Democratic Party a leader of Garment workers, Abdul Matin Talukder of BSD, Jonaid Saki of Gonosanghati Andolon, Badrul Alam and Shamim Imam of DLA,CPB leaders Sahidulla Choudhury,President BTUK Advocate Mantu Ghose,Adviser BGTUK and Ahsan Habib Lavlu.

The leaders said that for the last three days Police, Ansars and local hooligans are carrying on repression and assault on workers of Ashulia area. Atleast two workers were shot dead and a reign of terror has been let loose in the industrial area.

The leaders said the owners of garment factories continue to violate labour laws and refuse even to implement tripartite agreements signed by the owners themselves at different times.

CPB President Manzur said owners backed by Government do not allow the garment workers to form trade unions which is a right guaranteed to them according to law,ILO conventions,ratified by the government and numerous agreements. Due to absence of Trade Unions, grievances of workers remain unattended and they pile up and explode often taking the form of revolt. Despite many such events in the past the workers right to form trade unions is continuosly denied.Any attempt to form trade unions as per law faces severe repraisals,victimisation,police actions and assault by hired hooligans. Rising price and low wages, illegal deduction from wages, non-payment of overtime and arrear wages, misbehaviour of bosses including beating and sexual harassment, victimization for T.U. activities, dismissal, retrenchment and closure , physical assault by hooligans are some of the causes which lead to outburst of labour unrest.

Manzur said that the workers never support looting and setting fire to factories and alleged that whenever the workers come out on the streets to press for their demands,mafia groups consisting of hooligans, extortionists and other miscreants also come out on the streets and resort to arson and lootings and settle their scores with garment owners and opponent groups. It is the same mafia who are involved in extorting huge amount of money from garment owners and business circle under duress. Recently several garment owners and businessmen were killed by such mafia groups. It seems the police and the government donot dare to touch these mafia bosses.

CPB President said two notorious mafia dons one in Ashulia and another in Narayanganj openly move with fire arms and no government dare to touch them. On the other hand some times even the government and the owners used those criminals to suppress workers movement. The mafia don of Ashulia openly declared that he will kill Tuhin and Mintu President and G.S of regional committee of Bangladesh Garment Workers Trade Union Kendra.

Meanwhile in a meeting on the 28th evening with the leaders of various TU of Garment Workers the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturer and Exporters Association BGMEA declared taka 3 lac as compensation for the dead and free treatment for the injured and suspension of all repressive measures. But police and local hooligans continue to terrorise.

The leaders of the Left Parties called upon the government and garment owners to ensure all rights and benefits including right to form trade unions and also to implement minimum wage at the rate of tk. 5000 per month ($63). The leaders also demanded punishment for those responsible for setting fire in a big garment factory and action against police for their mysterious role during arson and lootings.It may be mentioned that the highest foreign currency earning industry of Bangladesh being the Garment Industry employs about 300 thousand workers whose average earnings are the lowest in the region.

Garment workers being beaten up by hired hooligans

Sunday, 28 June 2009


Tipaimukh dam sour Bangladesh-India relationship: speaker at CPB roundtable

Speakers at a roundtable organized by the communist party of Bangladesh (CPB) said that the Tipaimukh dam will sour the relationship between Bangladesh and India and the inflexibility of the Indian government will remain responsible for that.
The discussion on ‘Tipaimukh Dam—No, Asian Highway, Connectivity—Yes’ was set at Progati confarance room of Mukti bhaban of Purana Paltan on Friday.
‘We will have to move ahead in the interest of the people of Bangladesh, not for the sake of opposing India’ said CPB president Manzurul Ahsan Khan
CPB leaders have charged the opposition BNP and its key ally Jamaat of going overboard on the issue of India's controversial Tipaimukh dam project. Besides, they also criticized the comments of the ministers. ‘They have further complicated the situation, CPB leaders said.
‘We will oppose the construction of Tipaimukh dam. But, we will have to counter the political intentions of BNP-Jamaat on this issue,’ said CPB general secretary Mujahidul Islam Selim.
‘The Indian high commissioner has said many untoward things about Tipaimukh dam and ridiculed our experts. We protest these. But BNP-Jamaat is going overboard,’ he said.They remain silent when the US and other Western diplomats talk about Bangladesh's internal issues. So their aggressive attitude about Indian high commissioner Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty seems politically motivated, Selim said.
CPB endorsed Bangladesh's move to join the Asian Highway network project.
‘Only India and Bangladesh are not involved with the Asian Highway. It will connect the entire region. Everyone will have to take advantage of it.’ CPB general secretary said.
Renowned journalist and writer Syed Abul Maksud suspected that the government was playing hide and seek with the people on the issue. He urged the government to specify their position on the issue in a week.
‘It seems that the government has some weaknesses for the dam and they are trying to safeguard someone's interest,’ he said.
‘It can be said beforehand that the report to be submitted by the parliamentary committee being sent by the government to inspect Tipaimukh will not be to our liking,’ said Maksud. The general secretary of BAPA (Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon), largest environmentalists organization of Bangladesh, Abdul Matin, said, ‘It will be nothing but a tour if the parliamentary party goes to Tipaimukh. They should go to New Delhi instead and talk directly with the Indian government.
He asked the government to display the design of the dam and make public the report on the possible impacts the dam would have on the environment and on the people of Bangladesh and India.
He said if a social movement cannot be created on this issue then Jamaat will take advantage of it.
‘This issue should be solved politically,’ said Angikar Bangladesh Chief Engineer Muhammad HilalUddin, calling for a unified movement of the leftist forces against the dam.

speaker at CPB roundtable on Friday