Comrade President
Members of the Presidium
Leaders of the Communist and Workers Parties..
I bring warm revolutionary greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh to you all who have gathered here representing the most powerful movement, fighting along with other progressive forces, for the emancipation of mankind, for a free society of free men and women.
This traditional international meeting of Communist in the backdrop of dissolution of the Socialist Soviet Union and set back in Eastern Europe, when the idea of ‘end of history’ was floated, has been able to unite communists round the world to evaluate the changing situation, reinvigorate their movement, unite and continue their fight for peace, freedom, progress and socialism.
While attending this 11th International Meeting we are witnessing the most severe and deepest crisis of Capitalism in the
People in the
Imperialism not only exploits people in their own country but continue to plunder developing countries, including their natural resources. And for this imperialism is trying to impose its economic, political and military hegemony in different parts of the world. Pressure, intrigue, assassination, blockade, military intervention, occupation or genocide, nothing seems to be unethical for
Ever since our independence
It was the machination of US and its allies which brought an army backed caretaker Government to power in
The newly elected Government has to face the challenges caused by economic melt down. Basic shifts are required in the policies dictated by World Bank and the West which has led to unbridled price hike, closure of factories, unemployment, hunger, poverty and lack of basic amenities of life
The religious fundamentalists and terrorist, killers, defeated forces of liberation war of 1971, extreme right wing elements, and the war criminals are now trying desperately to create chaos and anarchy in the country and opening the path for foreign intervention.
Historically war criminals of 1971 are the natural allies of the most notorious war criminal of the present day world the US Government. US is putting all kinds of pressure on Bangladesh so that the US and its allies and the MNC’s can plunder our oil and gas in the land and the sea, our coal mines, ports and other resources. The geo-political situation of
Imperialism is also provoking tension and clashes between countries in the region. We express deep concern at the news of military mobilization between borders of
Communist Party of Bangladesh is fighting in the fore front against imperialist conspiracy in the region and its effort to plunder our natural resources.
Today, nuclear arms pose a grave danger to human existence. The number of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction continues to grow. Militarisation is leading to war and conflict. Securities of states and people are being threatened. As a result we can see the emergence of police states or hard states. Fundamental Human and democratic rights and freedoms are being curtailed and a senseless and endless situation of confrontation and war is being precipitated.
We have to mobilize broad forces of peace to step up global struggle for complete disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament and continue fight against war and occupation.
Mankind faces grave danger of environmental degradation and climate change. The very existence of human being and all life forms is being threatened. Capitalisms unbridled lust for profit, culture of consumerism, senseless extravagance and wastefulness etc. are responsible for such a situation.
We must drastically reduce carbon emission. We must switch over to renewable energy, eco-friendly development. No energy war but an energy revolution.
It is high time to stop destruction in the name of development. The bourgeoisie will never place people before profit. It is not because they are good or bad. It is because of the social and economic category they represent, the narrow interest they uphold.
Communist Parties should be in the vanguard of the struggle against environmental degradation and climate change. More than a century back Marx said “man lives on nature…. Man is part of nature” Engels warned against winning victories over nature and its degradation He wrote,” Let us not however flatter ourselves over much on account of victories over nature. For each such victory it (nature) takes revenge.” Nothing could be more important than to save life, nature and the earth, our common habitat.
Nothing could stop working class and toiling people from fighting imperialist and capitalist exploitation. New stratum and social forces are coming forward in the struggle for emancipation. Global mass movements are developing on various issues effecting wide sections of people struggle against imperialist hegemony and aggression. Huge mass movements against Capitalist exploitation, discrimination, inequality, gap between poor and rich, struggle against war, for peace, freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and people’s wellbeing and struggle against environmental degradation and climate change are converging in great waves of popular movements which ultimately challenge the very foundations of capitalism.
Communist and progressive forces have achieved victories in different parts of the world. Anti imperialist, anti capitalist, left and popular governments are coming to power in
Communists allover the world has to forge effective unity and act globally while also fighting together at the regional and national level.
Thank you and thanks to CPI and CPIM and other parties who have organized and hosted this great event.
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