
Monday, 1 June 2009

Speech By MAK (Moscow, 1987 on 70th Anniversary of October Revolution.)

Speech By Manzurul Ahsan Khan, Secretary

Central Committee Communist Party of Bangladesh

Moscow, 1987 on 70th Anniversary of October Revolution.

Comrade President

Members of the Presidium

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bangladesh, on behalf of all the Communists and the working people of Bangladesh allow me to convey to you all on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution our fraternal greetings from the bottom of our heart.

The Great October Socialist Revolution was the most significant event of the present times. This was the first revolution which instead of replacing one exploiting system by another replaced it by a social system free from exploitation. The long cherished dream of mankind, of people all over the world fighting for thousands of years against exploitation and injustice, for happiness, came true.

The 1917 Revolution ushered in a new era. The era of transition to socialism. Mankind entered into history from pre-history. It gave new impetus to toiling people all over the world in their struggle against capitalism. It opened up new possibilities for peoples fighting to break colonial shackles. Struggle of our people against British colonial rule gained new momentum. As a matter of fact breaking of colonial yoke made a real beginning after the October Revolution. We therefore consider that the October Revolution is not only a day of celebration for Soviet people or for Communists and workers of this earth but it is a day of celebration for the whole of mankind,

The Soviet Union has traversed a long and difficult path. A path completely new and unknown to mankind. The CPSU armed with the scientific theory of Marxism-Leninism has successfully lead the Soviet Union throughout its glorious history. Victories of worldwide significance have been achieved.
The emergence of world socialist system has brought about fundamental changes in the balance of forces in favour of peace and progress.

The successes of Socialism especially achievements of Soviet Union is a source of inspiration for the communists and progressive forces of the world.

The present process of Perestroike and Glasnost is drawing the attention and concern of thinking people allround the world. It proves the strength rather than weakness of a society when it is able to face realities, identify shortcomings, overcome the problems arising in course of developments and accelerate all round progress.

Scientific and technological development has made this earth small. Millions of eyes are watching the day to developments in Soviet Union has got its international significances. With every success here people round the world are more convinced about socialism, more confident about the future they are fighting for.

Dear Comrades, our party is fighting in difficult conditions. Our country is in the periphery of world capitalism, with its most rotten manifestations, a country under neocolonialist and ruthless capitalist exploitation, where absolute poverty and famine rein. We are fighting for a national democratic revolution. At present we are engaged in united struggle with other forces for the establishment of democracy and well-being of our people. The October Revolution is the endless source of knowledge and inspiration for our struggle.

Our people will never forget that the country of October Revolution, the country of Lenin was by its side during the most difficult period of its history, during our national liberation struggle in 1971.

The gravest danger to mankind is now the danger of nuclear holocaust, the danger of war. The Soviet Union true to its traditions set by October Revolution whose 1st decree was the decree of peace written by Lenin is at the helm of the struggle against imperialist war mongers, for peace and disarmament.

Glory to the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Glory to Lenin and heroes of the Revolution.

Glory to Peace and Communistm.

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