
Monday, 8 February 2010

Message of Condolence from CPB to the CC of CPI(Marxist) on the demise of Comrade Jyoti Basu

17th January 2010
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Message of Condolence from the Communist Party of Bangladesh to the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the demise of Comrade Jyoti Basu.

On behalf of the Communist Party of Bangladesh, we convey our heartfelt condolence on the demise of Comrade Jyoti Basu an outstanding and legendary leader of Communist movement of India and the sub-continent.
Comrade Basu dedicated his entire life in the peoples struggle against colonialism, imperialism, capitalist exploitation and communalism, for democracy, freedom, peace and progress.
Communist Party of Bangladesh remembers with honour and pride his activities in the same party and in Bangladesh territory particularly his contribution in building trade union movement and Railway Workers Union during British colonial rule. Comrade Jyoti Basu efficiently and successfully led the Communist and Left in the sate of West Bengal in the challenging and complex task of running a government for decades in a bourgeois state system.
As a Marxist-Leninist and a true internationalist Comrade Basu played a significant role in the process of water sharing agreement between Bangladesh and India. He took positive initiative for mutual friendship and cooperation between our two countries. People of Bangladesh will always remember Comrade Jyoti Basu with great respect for the good feelings he had for our country and people.
We give our revolutionary red salute to Comrade Jyoti Basu who will continue to live amongst us in our struggle for peace, freedom and socialism.
We also extend our deep sympathy to his bereaved family, friends, comrades and his beloved party.

Central Committee
Communist Party of Bangladesh

(Manzurul Ahsan Khan) (Mujahidul Islam Selim)

President General Secretary

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