
Saturday, 16 October 2010

Speech of Mak in the Conferece on a Just Peace for Palestine New Delhi on 22-23.9.10


Manzurul Ahsan Khan, President Communist Party of Bangladesh .

Conference on a Just Peace for Palestine

New Delhi , India

September 22-23, 2010

History of Palestine is the history of deprivation of a nation’s right to freedom, safe homeland and independent state hood.

It is a history of brutalities, killings, violation of basic human rights, obliteration of thousands of homes, villages and cities, forcible separation, segregation and migration and perpetration of a policy of elimination and extinction of Palestinians as ethnic entity.

I must salute the people of Palestine for their heroic struggle for existence and fundamental rights guaranteed by UN charter and other international treatise.

It is shame on us, living in a civilized world, as we claim, that we failed to stop the inhuman atrocities of Zionism, its colonisation, apartheid and racism.

Not only in Palestine , presently throughout the world, forces of International reaction lead by United States of America continue a war of aggression, covert or overt to occupy and establish, military economic and political hegemony. Right to freedom, democracy, peace and progress is being trampled all over the world on different pretexts. Atrocities continue against nationalities, ethnic and religious minorities in our countries, regions and the world over.

The separation and segregation of Palestinians as vividly described by speakers here is not an exception. Here in the Indian subcontinent the colonial rulers divided and separated nations such as Bangla and Punjab and ultimately partitioned India and Pakistan along religious lines. This resulted in innumerable killings riots and human sufferings leading to one of the largest human migration in human history. India , Pakistan and Bangladesh till today carry the legacy of this divide and rule policy of British colonialists. We support Palestine , because we also want to defend our sovereignty, independence and freedom against encroachments. We should take a principled position in both domestic and international policy. A policy opposed to aggression, repressions and discrimination within our countries and internationally. We in Bangladesh are duty bound to protect the inalienable rights of all the nations and nationalities on this earth. A right secured by the people of Bangladesh after a blood bath during our liberation struggle in 1971.

The global war launched by reaction against peace, freedom, democracy and progress has to be fought globally by people all over the world. Solidarity movement for Palestine is closely linked with this world wide struggle which is an urgent requirement for the protection of rights of peoples and safety of mankind and the earth itself.

Unfortunately many countries once actively supporting Palestinian cause are now almost silent. Many governments do so because they don’t want to displease the Americans. We can’t support Palestine while we build closer ties with USA or Israel . To support the cause of Palestine we must oppose the aggressive policies of USA . The strategy of alliance with USA and Israel also includes the strategy against Palestine , they are integrated.

Despite everything the people’s power is invincible. People all over the world, India , Bangladesh , and even people in USA and Israel itself are becoming more vocal and active in support of the just cause of Palestine .

Let us work to build up active and popular struggle for a just peace for Palestine .

Thank you.

September 23, 2010

New Delhi , India

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