World Peace Council.
EC Meeting. Havana, 29-30 April 2011
Speech: Some Quick Remarks.
Manzurul Ahsan Khan.Bangladesh
29.04.2011 afternoon session
Today the world is being overtaken by state terrorism lead by US imperialists and its lackeys. International laws, practices and values evolved through centuries of human civilization are being trampled under the boots and greed of Corporate Capital.
The US attempt to establish its military hegemony all over the world is directed to compensate for its loss of leading position in the world economy and global crisis of capitalism.
United States is trying to grab control of natural resources the world over, and plunder the world economy in its own interest. It is also trying to gain control of gas and oil in Bangladesh, both offshore and inland, water and mineral resources.
From Afghanistan to countries in South Asia and beyond, USA and its allies and multinationals are trying to control the huge natural resources and military strategic points.
The war, military build up and expanding military-industrial-financial complex being perpetrated by imperialism is depriving humanity from the real possibilities eradicating, hunger ,disease, illiteracy, unemployment and homelessness, for ensuring security, development and improvement of living condition of people and protecting earth from environmental degradation and climate change.
United States is doing everything to provoke war, clashes, tension and arms race in South Asia. The US-India Military Strategic Alliance and Nuclear Deal pose a great threat to security of the countries in the region including India.
The militarization globally, regionally and internally in different countries is giving rise to “hard states”. A huge military establishment is eating up great portions of the national budget. Military and weaponry continues to increase. However the so called security threats never decrease. On the other hand the perceived security threat requires more and more allocations for the military. The military empire thus play a de-facto role in power, threatens and disrupts civilian rule and democracy; encroaching upon fundamental and human rights,
A virtual war is going on to control the water ways in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. Recently US organized several biggest Naval Exercises in the region.
It is high time the countries of South Asia sit together to resolve their disputes in a peaceful manner, renounce war, stop suicidal arms race and unite against US strategy of hegemony in the region.
Today the struggle for peace is not only relevant but it is most urgent to save mankind from catastrophy.Our peace movement should not only unite the anti-imperialist forces but all progressive,democratic,humanist,forces in favor of peace,irrespective of their political orientation.
Bangladesh Peace Council is going to organize Asia Pacific Peace Conferences on 4th and 5th June in Dhaka.
The conference will focus on NATO’s war and expansion in South Asia US military strategic move in Bangladesh and the region.
Religious extremism, fundamentalism and its utilization by US and international reaction.
Danger of Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia.
War and Climate issue.
Thanks to MOVPAZ for hosting this meeting and all the hospitality in this great country.
Liberty to Cuban 5,the heroes who are being kept in US prison in violation of all human rights.
Withdraw US bases from Guantanamo
Liberate Guantanamo from US occupation.
Withdraw blockade against Cuba.
Long Live The Great Cuban Revolution.
Long Live Comrade Castro,an outstanding revolutionary and a beloved leader of our times,a relentless fighter for Peace,Freedom,Progress and Socialism.