
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Speech of Manzur on 2ND International Seminar for the Abolition of the foreign Military Bases May 4 2011, Guantanamo,Cuba

Speech of Manzurul Ahsan Khan, Bangladesh

2ND International Seminar for the Abolition of the foreign Military Bases
May 4 2011, Guantanamo,Cuba

Foreign military bases mostly US are a great threat to peace and security of the world and sovereignty of all nation states. The military bases are being used as an instrument of imperialist hegemony.

Bangladesh fought an armed liberation struggle against the Pakistani rulers in 1971 when Pakistan had US military bases within its territories and was bound by military pacts with
the United States.

The US has no military bases as such in Bangladesh but it has some facilities which are secretly used for military purposes. United States continue pressure on our country for extending military facilities in St, Martins Islands, Monpura, Dulahajra etc.

Imperialist strategic interest focus on Bangladesh due to its proximity with, China Myanmar, Nepal, North Western India and the Bay of Bengal. The oil, gas, water resources and some rare minerals, discovered in Bangladesh attracts multinationals and along with them the imperial military power.

With a view control the entire region the United States is rapidly escalating its Military and Naval presence in theAsia-Pacific region,particularly in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. Recently biggest Naval Exercise took place in the region under the leadership of US and participation of Bangladesh. Frantic competition is going on to control the sea surrounding the region.

The US-India Nuclear deal and Strategic Alliance threatens not only India's independence and security but also jeopardize sovereignty of Bangladesh and the entire region. The US strategy is to control and usurp the energy and other resources of the region and also contain China. China is fast gaining leading position in the world economy. The United States tends to be more desperate while loosing its leading position in the global economy which faces sunamy of continuing crisis intrinsic in the capitalist system.

The US and NATO powers continue to increase the number of bases all over the world, increase their weaponry and combatants. But now they try to use the whole world as their base. They occupy Afghanistan, Iraq, and trying it in Libya. More over in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and India the governments offered its land, air and waters to United States and its allies for their use during the war against Afghanistan and Iraq.

Bangladesh has several treaties with the US which was never made public. These agreements, it is reported includes, SOFA, HAANA, Indemnity, and communication technology etc which greatly undermine the sovereignty of Bangladesh. Such agreement sallow US to send troops and arms to Bangladesh any time they like without any hindrance, ensures Immunity to citizens of USA. No citizen Of United States even committing criminal offense or even genocide can be tried in Bangladesh court of
law, or be handed over to international court of Justice.

As a matter of fact there were more than two occasions when US marine forces intruded into Bangladesh territory in the name of so called humanitarian assistance without any prior permission of Bangladesh government. The United States has taken upon itself the role of policing the whole world directly or by proxy. They use their overwhelming military might, their Military and mobile Naval bases, occupied territories, as well as the air, land and water spaces in many countries of the world, to impose their will
and plunder resources.

The global assault of imperialism be it in Guantanamo, Cuba or Libya or Bangladesh, Iraq, Afghanistan or Palestine, must be resisted globally with a broad unity and united action of not only anti imperialist forces but also all forces fighting for peace, freedom, human development and safety of all life forms in our planet.

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